
Flask-Caching is a powerful extension for Flask that provides caching support for various backends. It can help speed up your Flask applications by storing the results of expensive or time-consuming operations and reusing those results when the same operations are requested again. In this article, we will guide you on how to implement Flask-Caching in your Flask application.


Before diving into Flask-Caching, it would be best if you have the following:

  • Basic knowledge and understanding of the Python programming language.
  • Familiarity with Flask, Python's micro web framework.
  • Python and Flask installed on your workstation. If not, you can download Python here and you can check out Flask's installation instructions on its official website.


The Flask-Caching extension is not included in Flask's default installation. You will need to install it separately using pip, Python's de facto package manager. Here’s how you can install Flask-Caching:

$ pip install Flask-Caching
Installing flask caching

Setup Flask Caching

To use Flask-Caching in your application, you need to first import it and then set up your cache configuration. Here is a basic setup example:

from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

config = {
    "DEBUG": True,                      
    "CACHE_TYPE": "SimpleCache",

app = Flask(__name__)
# tell Flask to use the above defined config
cache = Cache(app)
Implementing flask caching

In this example, we're using the SimpleCache type, which is suitable for single-process environments. For multi-process environments, you might want to use a different cache type, such as RedisCache or MemcachedCache.

You can read more about Flask-Caching available config options in Configuring Flask Caching.

Using Flask-Caching in Your Routes

Once you have set up Flask-Caching, you can start using it in your routes. Here's an example of how you can cache the results of a route:

def expensive_operation():
    # Some expensive or time-consuming operation goes here
    result = perform_expensive_operation()
    return result
Flask route caching

In this example, the @cache.cached(timeout=50) decorator tells Flask-Caching to cache the results of the expensive_operation route for 50 seconds. If the same route is requested again within 50 seconds, Flask-Caching will return the cached result instead of re-running the expensive operation.

Server Side Caching

Flask-Caching also supports server-side caching. This can be useful when you need to cache data that is specific to a user or session. Here's an example:

from flask import Flask, request 
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "YOUR-SECRET-KEY"
app.config["CACHE_TYPE"] = "SimpleCache"
cache = Cache(app)

@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
    if request.method == "POST":
        cache.set("username", request.form["username"])
    # to get value use cache.get("username")
Flask route caching

In this example, when a POST request is made to the "/login" route, the username from the request form is cached on the server side using cache.set("username", request.form["username"]). The cached username can then be retrieved using cache.get("username").


Flask-Caching is a powerful tool that can help speed up your Flask applications by caching the results of expensive or time-consuming operations. It supports various backends and provides a simple, easy-to-use API for caching data in your routes. However, like any tool, it should be used judiciously. Over-reliance on caching can lead to stale data and increased complexity. As always, it's important to understand your application's needs and use the right tools for the job.