Why do I prefer PostgreSQL over MyQSL or MongoDB?

compare three popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, discussing their performance, scalability, data integrity, and security features. Learn which database is best suited for your application based on their querying capabilities, indexing options, and scalability strategies.

· 9 min read
PostgreSQL & MyQSL & MongoDB logos
PostgreSQL over MyQSL or MongoDB

Before every project, small or big we ask ourselves this question? what database do we want to use on this project?

It is a challenging question to answer, choosing the right database is a very critical decision that can greatly impact the performance, scalability, and maintainability of your application. In this article, we'll dive into the comparison between three popular databases: MyQSL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.


The database serves as a foundation for storing and managing data, it directly impacts the performance, scalability, security and functionality of your application.
the main keys we'll touch on for our comparison will be

  • Performance: databases have variant performance characteristics. some are optimized for handling high read or write loads, while some others perform better in complex queries or large-scale data processing.
  • Scalability: As your application grows, the demand increase as well, making scalability a vital metric. Choosing a database that offers horizontal or vertical scalability options allows you to handle large amounts of requests and use traffic.
  • Data Integrity: Databases provide mechanisms to enforce data integrity and consistency through constraints, transactions and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties. Depending on your application's requirements, you may need a database that supports strong consistency or maybe you don't? which can be achieved by choosing specific types of databases like NoSQL or distributed databases.
  • Security: Risking your application data is a risk you don't want to compromise, databases offer various security features such as access controls, encryption, and audit logs. Depending on your application's sensitivity, you may need a database that provides robust security features to safeguard your database from unauthorized access, breaches, or any data loss.


In this section, We will discuss the indexing options and query optimization techniques available for each database.

Querying Capabilities


MySQL is a relational database that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for data access. It is optimized for high-performance joins across multiple tables that have been appropriately indexed. MySQL is generally faster at selecting a large number of records.


PostgreSQL is also a relational database that uses SQL for data access. It has a mature query planner and optimizer, and it offers performance optimizations such as parallelization of read queries, table partitioning, and just-in-time (JIT) compilation of expressions. PostgreSQL provides a variety of powerful index types to best match a given query workload.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses its own query language called MongoDB Query Language (MQL) which offers most of the same power and flexibility as SQL. It is optimized for write performance and features a specific insertMany() API for rapidly inserting data. MongoDB is generally faster at inserting or updating a large number of records.

Performance Characteristics

MySQL performs well as an open-source relational database with multiple tables. Its performance gets a boost from full-text indexes, a high-speed transactional system, and memory caches that prevent data loss.

PostgreSQL outperforms MongoDB in almost all queries, with an average speedup of roughly 2.1. It can make the most of computing resources available through various indexing and concurrency strategies.

MongoDB accepts large amounts of unstructured data faster than MySQL because of its slave replication and master replication capabilities. It can be faster to retrieve a single document from MongoDB than to join data across multiple tables in MySQL.

Indexing Options and Query Optimization Techniques


MySQL offers full-text indexes, which can significantly improve query performance when searching for text data.


PostgreSQL offers a wide range of index types, including B-tree, multicolumn, expressions, and partial, as well as advanced indexing techniques like GiST, SP-Gist, KNN Gist, GIN, BRIN, covering indexes, and bloom filters. Efficient query execution in PostgreSQL is supported using indexing.


Query performance in MongoDB can be accelerated by creating indexes on fields in documents and subdocuments. MongoDB allows any field of a document, including those deeply nested in arrays and subdocuments, to be indexed and efficiently queried.

Performance Conclusion

When comparing MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, each database has its strengths and weaknesses in terms of querying capabilities and performance characteristics. MySQL is generally faster at selecting records, while MongoDB is faster at inserting or updating records. PostgreSQL outperforms MongoDB in most queries and offers a wide range of indexing options.


In this section, We will discuss Horizontal Scaling, Sharding and Replication.

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling, also known as scale-out, refers to bringing on additional nodes to share the load. This is difficult with relational databases due to the difficulty in spreading out related data across nodes. With non-relational databases, this is made simpler since collections are self-contained and not coupled relationally. This allows them to be distributed across nodes more simply, as queries do not have to “join” them together across nodes.


MySQL's scalability is limited, offering two choices for scaling your application — creating read replicas or vertical scaling. It allows data replication and vertical scaling through clustering to help improve application scalability and performance via different synchronization types, MySQL does not offer a standard implementation for sharding, and its multi-main replication is limited compared to the functionalities provided by MongoDB.


PostgreSQL depends on a scale-up strategy (vertical scaling) for data volumes and scaling writes. It's performed by adding more hardware resources like disks, CPUs, and memory to an existing database node. PostgreSQL also supports the high availability of services through asynchronous or synchronous replication methods across servers.


MongoDB embraces horizontal scalability as a core principle. With its distributed architecture and native support for sharding, MongoDB allows for the seamless distribution of data across multiple servers, enabling linear scalability. This makes MongoDB an excellent choice for applications experiencing rapid growth, as it can effortlessly handle high traffic and massive datasets by adding more servers to the cluster.


Sharding is a method of distributing large datasets across different data collections, enabling horizontal scaling.


MySQL offers two sharding methods — MySQL Fabric (sharding framework) and Automatic sharding — but people rarely deploy them due to the many roadblocks and limitations. This is why companies like Facebook use a sharding framework of their own.


PostgreSQL does not have native support for sharding, some third-party solutions exist for sharding PostgreSQL databases, such as Citus.


MongoDB is capable of scaling horizontally with the help of sharding. Users can choose a shard key (a master key with single or multiple replicas) to determine the data distribution in a collection and split the data into different ranges across shards. Each shard functions as an individual database, forming one single database using other shards contributes to load balancing and executes complicated queries.


Replication is the process of copying data from one database server to another, providing fault tolerance and high availability.


MySQL supports multiple replication options like main-secondary, main-main, scale-out, group replication, etc.


PostgreSQL supports business continuity through the high availability of services, using asynchronous or synchronous replication methods across servers.


MongoDB allows you to make several copies of your data using replication (replica sets) and deploy them on various servers. This feature is helpful for data backups and disaster management. In case of a server failure, you can always retrieve your data from the copies stored on other servers.

Scalability Conclusion

In conclusion, MongoDB offers the highest scalability and flexibility in terms of horizontal scaling, sharding, and replication. PostgreSQL has good performance and reliability but relies on vertical scaling and third-party solutions for sharding. MySQL has limitations in scalability and sharding, making it less suitable for applications that require high levels of scalability and flexibility. When choosing a database management system, consider the specific requirements and constraints of your application to determine the best fit.

Data Integrity

In this section, we'll be touching on transactional capabilities, data integrity and ACID properties comparison.

Transactional Capabilities

MySQL is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) that excels in use cases that require robust transactional support and strong data integrity. It is a preferred choice for applications that heavily rely on complex queries, strict ACID compliance, and relational data models, such as e-commerce platforms, banking systems, and inventory management systems.


PostgreSQL is another widely-used RDBMS known for its ACID compliance and support for complex transactions. PostgreSQL defaults to the read committed isolation level and allow users to tune that up to the serializable isolation level. Like MySQL, PostgreSQL is suitable for applications that require strict ACID compliance and relational data models.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON. It has always provided transactional guarantees on single-document operations, and with the release of MongoDB 4.0, it now supports multi-document ACID transactions. MongoDB's document-oriented data model allows for the seamless handling of unstructured and semi-structured data, making it an ideal choice for applications dealing with large volumes of constantly evolving data, such as content management systems, real-time analytics, and social media platforms.

Data Integrity

MySQL and PostgreSQL

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL maintain data integrity through their built-in ACID compliance. ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) are principles that work towards data validity, especially in databases intended for transactional workflows.


MongoDB maintains data integrity by providing ACID guarantees on single-document operations, including atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. With the release of MongoDB 4.0, it also supports multi-document ACID transactions, which means that chunks of related changes can be committed or rolled back as a group.

ACID Properties Comparison

MySQL and PostgreSQL

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL support ACID properties by default, ensuring data validity and integrity in transactional workflows. They are suitable for applications that demand secure and structured data storage, robust transactional support, and complex queries.


MongoDB has always supported ACID properties for single-document operations, providing data integrity guarantees similar to relational databases. With the introduction of multi-document ACID transactions in MongoDB 4.0, it has become one of the few databases to combine the ACID guarantees of traditional relational databases with the flexibility and versatility of the document model.

Data Integrity Conclusuion

MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB all provide transactional capabilities and maintain data integrity through their support for ACID properties. While MySQL and PostgreSQL are ideal for applications that require structured data storage and complex queries, MongoDB is a suitable choice for applications that need flexibility, agility, and scalability. By understanding the specific requirements of your project, you can choose the appropriate database management system to align with your use case.


In this section, we'll be touching on the security features offered, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption. we will also discuss security-related configuration options and settings for each database.

MySQL Security Features

MySQL manages its authentication and authorization through various systems, including users, authentication methods, privileges, and roles.

  • Authentication: MySQL supports various authentication methods, often involving accepting and validating a password from the client. It also supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol for encryption between the client and the server.
  • Authorization: MySQL uses a privilege-based security model, where each user is authenticated and given specific privileges to create, query, or edit tables.
  • Encryption: MySQL is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, but there are measures that can be taken to lower the risk, such as using parameterized queries instead of concatenated user input.

PostgreSQL Security Features

PostgreSQL offers several security features, including advanced procedures, stored procedures, and support for multi-version concurrency control (MVCC).

  • Authentication: PostgreSQL supports SSL encryption for communication between the client and the server.
  • Authorization: PostgreSQL supports advanced procedures and stored procedures for authorization and access control.
  • Encryption: PostgreSQL provides support for materialized views, table inheritance, and advanced data types like store and user-defined data.

MongoDB Security Features

MongoDB offers a range of security features, including role-based authentication, auditing and authorization, and encryption.

  • Authentication: MongoDB leverages the role-based access control model with a flexible set of permissions. Users are assigned to a role, and that role grants them specific permissions over datasets and database operations.
  • Authorization: MongoDB supports auditing and authorization features, as well as LDAP support for enterprise-grade security.
  • Encryption: MongoDB uses TLS and SSL support for encryption purposes. It also supports the encryption of data at rest using a master key that is never available to MongoDB.

Security Conclusion

There is no definitive "best" database in terms of security, as each of the three databases discussed—MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB—offers its own set of security features and advantages. The most suitable database for your needs will depend on your specific use case and requirements, it is crucial to follow security best practices, regardless of the database you choose, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. By implementing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, encrypting data, and regularly auditing your security measures, you can build a robust and secure database environment.

General Conclusion

In conclusion, the choice of the right database for your project is a critical decision that can greatly impact the performance, scalability, and maintainability of your application. This article provided a comparison between three popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, focusing on performance, scalability, data integrity, and security.

Performance-wise, MySQL is generally faster at selecting records, while MongoDB is faster at inserting or updating records. PostgreSQL outperforms MongoDB in most queries and offers a wide range of indexing options. Scalability-wise, MySQL has limited horizontal scaling options, while PostgreSQL relies on vertical scaling. MongoDB, being a NoSQL database, provides better horizontal scaling options.

Data integrity and security are also important factors to consider when choosing a database. Depending on your application's requirements, you may need a database that supports strong consistency or robust security features. While all three databases offer various mechanisms to enforce data integrity and security, the choice will ultimately depend on your specific project needs and preferences.

In summary, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a database. Each of the three databases discussed in this article has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice will depend on the specific requirements of your project. By carefully considering the performance, scalability, data integrity, and security aspects, you can make an informed decision and select the most suitable database for your application.